Beauty News Features the Baja for Men's Sun Wear Accessories
Beauty News spotlights the Baja in a recent article about men's sun protection clothing and accessories. Check out the full article here. Shop the Baja here.
Read moreAre you protecting yourself from head to toe?
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month - the perfect time to ask yourself, am I doing everything I can to protect my skin?
It’s one thing to slather SPF on yourself and your kids when you hit the pool, go on a beach vacation, or head outside for a run or walk. But the truth is, we need to think about skin protection anytime we’re exposed to the sun. The sun’s UV rays are harmful, and remember, the skin is the largest organ in our body. Keeping our skin properly protected is no joke.
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the time they’re 70, and more than two people die of skin cancer in the US every hour.
There’s no getting around the facts - if we’re exposed to sunlight, we need to cover ourselves. Literally.
Protect Yourself and Prevent Skin Cancer
Sun Protection in a Bottle… Make SPF Your BFF
The Skin Cancer Foundation offers simple steps to reduce skin cancer risk:
Go Ahead… Keep Yourself in the Dark. Wear Shades!
Let’s not forget about protecting our eyes, as UV rays can damage eyelids, causing dangerous cancers. In addition, UV rays can cause cataracts, macular degeneration, and Keratitis (corneal sunburn). None of these conditions sound like much fun; thankfully, they can be prevented:
Dress for Sun Protection Success
Do you know what’s trending? Protecting yourself from skin cancer. Lucky for you, the options for sun-protective clothing grow each day. And they’re stylish, too.
But Wait, Don’t I Need My Vitamin D?
If you’ve ever justified sun exposure by stating you need Vitamin D, the Skin Cancer Foundation begs to differ. In fact, they suggest you look for Vitamin D in the form of supplements and food sources, not lazy days at the beach or tanning bed, as the risk of skin cancer and damage from these activities far outweigh the benefits.
The Best Line of Defense?
The threat of skin cancer is real, but we can take the upper hand:
Early detection is key!
Our mission at Wallaroo is to spread the word about skin protection and provide hats with optimal protection. We’re proud of our Give Back Program and our support of the Melanoma Research Foundation, the Skin Cancer Research Foundation, and the Colorado Melanoma Foundation. We take sun protection seriously, and we’re here for you!
Stay safe and protected!